[Preview] East Nashville Underground Winter 2013

ENU 8 Off 8th
Monday night 8 off 8th hosted a preview show of East Nashville Underground [ENU] winter season. The lineup featured bands that played for East Nashville Underground in their past seasons.
The alumni lineup: Grass Roots KidsHeavy SoulThe Future,RavelloRoots of a RebellionBilly SwayzeBlackfoot Gypsies, & Bear Cub.
ENU happens four times a year every season. Before we review the Winter 2013 we were able to sit down with Jared Corder, the founder of ENU, to talk about the history, inspiration, what this season has to offer and the future.

How did ENU get started?
 Long story short, I was in a band Oh No No, and I lived in a house on 12th street and Shelby. We had a basement and we were trying to raise money on our album. Our concept was to buy a bunch of beer, charge $5, one night, five bands. I did it once a month for about 4-5 months and every night it got bigger. We were just thinking this would be fun to get our friends together, to get drunk and party. We had no idea it was going to get this big. ENU is two years old now, and this is our third season in The East Room.

How do you get the bands to play?
 Every band is still relatively local. We try to book good bands and they don’t necessarily have to have several “likes” on their Facebook page. I listen to every single band that emails me wanting to play for ENU. We always have headliner bands like this season with Moon Taxi and Colorfeels. But, then the other bands some people probably heard of them some have not this is a great opportunity for them to network and to open for our headliners. I remember when I was in a band, it would have been so cool to play a festival like this and open for Moon Taxi.
Is that where the inspiration to start ENU came from?
 I think a lot of it was. I didn’t know much of the business end, my  wife Kristyn does. But, I have the band experience that’s why I’m in charge of booking and relations, because I know what it’s like to email a venue and never hear back or they say “yeah, we want to see you have more fans or more plays.” Or even when my band would play for a festival and it was ran poorly. I wanted to change that. Some venues just want to bring heads through the door. We want to bring good music and then we will bring those heads through the door.
Anything new about this season?
 We opened up an entire new room to have more bodies in. The bands are different every season. We try to do little changes every season, like last season we raised the tickets just by a couple of bucks. The weekend pass is $25, open bar all weekend, and only $10 for a shirt, and $3 for a poster. We have some new sponsors such as No Country for New Nashville and Native Magazine.
What would be the most successful promotional effort ENU has made?
 I would say two things. One: bringing Lightning 100 as a sponsor. They have been a huge asset to us. The second thing would be my wife, Kristyn. She is really good at branding ENU on all the social media networks. She creates an intimacy online that you don’t get often. And we try to introduce ourselves to everyone that walks into the door. So, the people going to the show can know us and we can know them as well.
What sets you apart from any other festival?
JC: We have four seasons, so four shows a year falling in each season. Even if someone comes in not knowing any of the bands they can have free beer and hear great music and get to know the bands. I think we will always keep it like that.
What is in the future for ENU?
JC: We have a lot of big bands playing. But, the biggest plan of all is to eventually we want to be in a big plot of land and charge a weekend pass for people to camp. Like a Bonnaroo type, but keep it cheap. We want to get to the point where people stay for the whole weekend. That’s our biggest goal for our future.
Tonight at midnight is the last chance to buy pre-sale tickets $15 for a night and $25 for the weekend. [here:http://www.fanfueled.com/Event/Details/4895-east-nashville-underground-music-festival-winter-2013]
The winter lineup:
Friday NIGHT (Feb, 15, doors at 9pm, to 3am)
Vinyl Thief
All Them Witches
Alanna Royale
Machines Are People Too (headliner)
Magnolia Sons (headliner)
Cult Logic
DJ Rate (from Boom Bap)Saturday Bands + Brunch + Beer  (“the day show”) 1pm to 8pm
The Static Trees
Jon Byrd
Waterfall Wash
KS Rhoads (headliner)
Colorfeels (headliner)
Frances & The Foundation

Saturday NIGHT (Feb, 16, doors at 9pm, to 3am)
Golden Spurs
Tesla Rossa
James Wallace & The Naked Light (headliner)
MOON TAXI (headliner)
The Wans
DJ That Guy! (Kory Schalm)